The “empadronamiento” is necessary for every single procedure related to expat services. “Empadronarse” means registering as a resident in the town hall of the city you will be living in. To simply put it, the “Certificado of empadronamiento” is an official registry that indicates where you live. It is necessary to appear in the local census.
It’s a basic process for every procedure you want to start as an expat. You will need this certificate for your T.I.E. card, to take a fingerprint appointment, exchange a driver license, for Brexit… At the very first beginning of every expat procedure, there is a “Certificado de empadronamiento”.
In BCN Consulting we offer you a complete and assistant guide for the process of taking your “padrón” certificate. We are here to serve you:
Our address is C/Aribau, num. 25, Entlo. 3º, CP. 08011, Barcelona, Spain
Email address: info@bcnconsulting.info
Phone number: 0034 931 861 437 - 0034 678 112 059
Webpage: info@bcnconsulting.info